Astrophotography - The Milky Way as a work of art

Today I decided to blog some photos of the Milky Way, taken with cameras of high exposure and without the use of telescopes. Recalling that the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy but we do not see it that way, but as a path through the midst of heaven, for the simple fact that we are inside.

The picture below was taken in Arizona, a region called Kofa Mountais. The photographer's name is Richard Payne.


In another picture, taken from an inflatable boat, we have the amazing interaction between our galaxy and a lake, coming to look like a mirror. The streak of light that appears in the flash image is a satellite Irídiun. The credit goes to Tony and Daphne Dallas. from:

This one was taken in Texas, It makes our galaxy looks like a continuation of the road. The author of the photo is Larry Landolfi

When an area is totally free of artificial lighting, and in a new moon night, we can see the sky much like these pictures (without the colors only). And this without any use of the instrument, only with our eyes. It is a unique show and it's free. It's one of the greatest shows that you can see in your life. Unfortunately, due to modern lifestyle, urban living and pragmatic, a very large number of people spend their lives without ever contemplating the galaxy with his own eyes.


  1. Omg how could it be possible, I saw the Milky Way galaxy from Altai Mountains (in Russia) and from there it looks not so "omg it's amazing =-O"))

  2. Last time i saw the milky way was in Chile. Here where i live in Brazil is impossible without a telescope :(

  3. What settings did you use? And what post-processing did you do? These pictures look amazing!

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